Saturday, March 13, 2021


      Well it was official yesterday I had been quarantined a year by my doctor. Life has been difficult. I have had my 1st vaccination shot and will get my 2nd one on March 22nd. Then quarantine will be over with on April 6th. 

     I have not been to church in a year. I have been watching it online. Before the pandemic started I thought I could be a hermit. lol I take it all back. I am to much of a people person to stay in like this forever. It's a miracle I made it through this. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel and will be so thankful when this is over with. I will still have to wear my mask when I go out in public. I am ok with that.

     I want to thank everyone who has brought me food, and came by and visited me through the glass door so we do not have to wear the mask. Well really everyone who has brought me or mailed me anything during this pandemic. Your kindness has gotten me through this.

     May God bless you all. Keep in touch. Anna  :)