Saturday, August 29, 2009

This guitar is 4 sale!!! My friend Van painted it! She is a fantastic a artist! :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

My 3 cats! Socks, Juilette, & Stripes. Going from L 2 R. :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I was trying 2 put a video from youtube on here but it didn't work. Oops! :)
This is a test!
Please tell me ur favorite book! Ur favorite movie! Ur favorite song or group!
Tell me about ur pets!
This is my moma cat!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When u click that "view my complete profile" in the bottom r hand corner it will tell u a whole lot more about me. There is a place to click on audio at the top of that pg. It will take u 2 my utube videos. There r 6 in all. Just click on c ALL of aceintheholeagain's videos. Whoo hoo! I luv ya'll! Thanks again 4 reading my blog. I do talk in text A LOT.
I have a very close friend who thought LOL meant lots of love instead of laugh out loud. So I made up a new text just 4 him. LoL with a little "o." It means "lots of love." Pass it on. 1 more LoLiC. This means "lots of love in Christ!" Pass in on 2! Don't 4get 2 have a GREAT day!
FYI: I'm a Girl Scout leader. Just in case u didn't read my profile. Girl Scouts is not just about crafts & cookies anymore. GS teaches girls to have courage, confidence, & character. GS is 4 girls ages 5 & up. GS is worldwide!
I'm sorry I boo booed. U have 2 hit "sign in" 1st THEN u can type in ur gmail address & password. Then click on add a new post. I think. I'm about as green at this as this wall surrounding this writing. Ha! LOL
Come on learn along w/me. Don't be shy.
OK. If u r my friend & u have a gmail account all u have 2 do is type in your email address & ur password & hit sign in. Then you can write something. As my Moma use 2 say "if ya haven't got anything nice 2 say, then don't say nothin at all."
Even if u r a stranger u can write on my wall. If u r on FB w/me please, please, please write on my wall! I luv ya'll! Yes that means u! If u r reading this, ur in my prayers. :) ;) :D
I survived the '09 physical!!! Whoo hoo! When I came out into the waiting room I said they strip searched me & took my blood. This elderly man in the waiting room busted out laughing. I told them I had a physical!! I LUV 2 make sick people laugh! The Bible says "laughter does good like medicine!" Have a GREAT day! :) ;) :D

Monday, August 24, 2009

This is my 1st post! Hello everyone! I am happy 2b here! Thanks 4 reading my new blog!