Saturday, August 27, 2016

Different kind of interview

Hi everyone! I made it through the cardiac ablation. I'm doing well. I came up with an idea to interview people whom I would not be allowed to interview for the newspaper here on my blog. Let me know if you think this would be of interest. This would be people who do not live in my area because my article is only about people in my town and county.  Let me know what you think. Thanks.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

2016 News

Wow! I just realized I haven't written on this blog since 2015. How is everyone doing? I would like to be able to say that I am doing fine but I'm not. I am going to have to have a cardiac ablation on June 14. Please keep me in your prayers.
I did make a B in my first ever online class at ASU this past Spring. I have changed my major to Religion. It requires another art class because it's a BA degree. I'm still a senior.
I'm still loving the Christmas house. It's looking very Christmasy. Hopefully I can have a party this December and you all can come.
I have a new President to my fan club. Her name is Haley. She is a Girl Scout and she is in the fourth grade. You can see our picture together on Facebook.
I'm still writing my mystery books and I write a weekly article for The News Courier called This 'N' That. The News Courier is our local newspaper.
Follow me on Twitter if you would like @aceynwonderland or watch my videos on YouTube. Type in aceintheholeagain. No spaces.
Keep in touch and I hope to hear from you soon. God bless ya.