Friday, June 9, 2017


I just remembered I promised I would write on this blog every Friday. Here is a picture of me and my golf instructor today. He video me but can only send it in a few photos. Guess these smart phones are not smart enough to handle a large video. Hehe
I always wanted to learn to golf. I'm trying to create a bucket list. So I guess I can say this is on my bucket list. Anyway I am taking golf lessons. I am enjoying it.
If you have any advice let me know. I have had 5 lessons now. A man at the golf course today told me you need to have at least 25 lessons before you really know how to golf. I guess I have my work cut out for me.
I hope ya'll have a good weekend. God bless you. Love ya'll. Keep in touch.
@AceyNWonderland on Twitter. @ACGNWonderland on Instagram

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