Saturday, March 13, 2021


      Well it was official yesterday I had been quarantined a year by my doctor. Life has been difficult. I have had my 1st vaccination shot and will get my 2nd one on March 22nd. Then quarantine will be over with on April 6th. 

     I have not been to church in a year. I have been watching it online. Before the pandemic started I thought I could be a hermit. lol I take it all back. I am to much of a people person to stay in like this forever. It's a miracle I made it through this. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel and will be so thankful when this is over with. I will still have to wear my mask when I go out in public. I am ok with that.

     I want to thank everyone who has brought me food, and came by and visited me through the glass door so we do not have to wear the mask. Well really everyone who has brought me or mailed me anything during this pandemic. Your kindness has gotten me through this.

     May God bless you all. Keep in touch. Anna  :)

Friday, June 9, 2017


I just remembered I promised I would write on this blog every Friday. Here is a picture of me and my golf instructor today. He video me but can only send it in a few photos. Guess these smart phones are not smart enough to handle a large video. Hehe
I always wanted to learn to golf. I'm trying to create a bucket list. So I guess I can say this is on my bucket list. Anyway I am taking golf lessons. I am enjoying it.
If you have any advice let me know. I have had 5 lessons now. A man at the golf course today told me you need to have at least 25 lessons before you really know how to golf. I guess I have my work cut out for me.
I hope ya'll have a good weekend. God bless you. Love ya'll. Keep in touch.
@AceyNWonderland on Twitter. @ACGNWonderland on Instagram

Friday, June 2, 2017

Happy Memorial Day 2017

I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend! Never forget those who gave their lives so we could live in freedom. God bless ya'll and God bless the USA!
It seems that I have not written on this blog since 2016. I apologize. I am going to try my best to start writing on it every Friday. I think Happy New Year is appropriate!!!
Anyone who would like to buy my books can mail me a check or money order to
Anna Gibbs
PO Box 553
Athens, AL
The first book is $10. The second is $15. You can get both for $20.
No postage necessary.
For more information about my books see my author page on Facebook.
Thank you very much!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Different kind of interview

Hi everyone! I made it through the cardiac ablation. I'm doing well. I came up with an idea to interview people whom I would not be allowed to interview for the newspaper here on my blog. Let me know if you think this would be of interest. This would be people who do not live in my area because my article is only about people in my town and county.  Let me know what you think. Thanks.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

2016 News

Wow! I just realized I haven't written on this blog since 2015. How is everyone doing? I would like to be able to say that I am doing fine but I'm not. I am going to have to have a cardiac ablation on June 14. Please keep me in your prayers.
I did make a B in my first ever online class at ASU this past Spring. I have changed my major to Religion. It requires another art class because it's a BA degree. I'm still a senior.
I'm still loving the Christmas house. It's looking very Christmasy. Hopefully I can have a party this December and you all can come.
I have a new President to my fan club. Her name is Haley. She is a Girl Scout and she is in the fourth grade. You can see our picture together on Facebook.
I'm still writing my mystery books and I write a weekly article for The News Courier called This 'N' That. The News Courier is our local newspaper.
Follow me on Twitter if you would like @aceynwonderland or watch my videos on YouTube. Type in aceintheholeagain. No spaces.
Keep in touch and I hope to hear from you soon. God bless ya.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

This is one of those days where I wish that I could be in 2 places at one time. Brittanie Hansen or Britt as we call her is getting married today.  She is a precious girl that I met at work. Britt and Zach will be moving to Arizona. She will be sorely missed. Congratulations Britt and Zach!!!
However I have chosen to go to the University of North Alabama or UNA's graduation today!!! Kara Lawler will be graduating today with a teaching degree in music!!! Kara has been in my Girl Scout troop longer than any my girls. I am very proud of her.
Let me brag about Kara a little bit. She was the first solo drum major in the history of Fort Payne high school as a 10th grader. She kept that title for 3 years.  She was salutatorian of her senior class in high school. I had the privilege and honor of watching Kara's baptism at Wills Valley Community church. She married a nice Christian young man Shawn Lawler. Now today Kara will graduate from UNA. Congratulations Kara!!!  You are AWESOME!!!
I pray and trust that God will be with both of these couples as they step out on new adventures in their lives. I can tell you that both of these girls have been a blessing in my life. Love ya'll.