Saturday, September 19, 2009

This is my Mom & Dad & me right after my last heart surgery. Look at that smile! It is amazing 2 me that I had such a GREAT smile after all I had just been thru. I guess I was just happy that it was over with.
The picture below is my cardiologist (heart dr) who performed my surgeries. He died sadly in a car accident. His name was Dr. Robert Allen. Thank U 2 Dr. Emmett Bell my pediatric diagnostician 4 giving me this photo of Dr. Allen. He was a very dedicated surgeon. He slept on the floor by bed in intensive care that night 2 make sure I lived thru the night.
When I went back 4 my last pediatric heart catherization the nurses told me that "Dr. Allen was one of the most dedicated surgeons they had ever known. That he never left his patients until he knew they were out of danger."
My surgeries were @ LeBonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis, TN. It is now called LeBonheur Children's Medical Center. I don't know when the name occurred.
I like this picture of Dr. Allen 4 2 reasons. It shows his hands. It shows the model plastic heart that he used 2 show U what he was going 2 do in surgery.
Thank U 4 reading my blog! I hope U r having a GREAT wkend. Ace :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

This is my really cool friend Melody! She was valedictorian of my senior class in High School! She was @ the pentagon on 911. She was blown from her desk & had 2 crawl out of the rubble!
She gets honorable mention in my photo contest! This is a GREAT picture of the rocket blast off in FL this summer! She did not enter this picture. She just emailed it 2 me.
I have A LOT of really cool friends! I will be letting u know more about them as we go along! Thanks 4 ALL the emails, texts, FB messages, & yes, even snail mail! I LUV IT!!! Hope ya'll have a GREAT wk! Bye now! Ace :) ;) :D

This is my really cool friend Brenda Lee Graham Eubanks! Isn't she beaustiful?She is a cancer survivor!
She won my photo contest w/o even trying! This photo was put in her photos on FB! Brenda & her sweetie went 2 a fancy smancy wedding in FL this summer. She got some beautiful shots! This is MY FAVORITE!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lookin back at my High School days! Yes, I did graduate from WCA! Westminster Christian Academy. I had 2 say Romans 8 to graduate 2! The whole chapter by memory! It wasn't easy either. This is so the whole world can see! This was my casual photo. Those class mates of mine voted 2 put the formal pictures in the yrbook. I was feeling bad the day they took the formal ones & mine were awful! So ha now I have MY OWN BLOG & I can post the picture I want. Thank you very much! I still luv ya'll even if I did not get my casuals in the yrbook. When our yrbook came out my junior yr there were A LOT of pictures of me in it! Ha! I did not think it was that many but my friend Connie did. She asked why? It was b/c a certain someone on the yrbook staff had a crush on me was HER conclusion! Ha! LOL I might post that picture 2 if ur lucky! LOL I hope ya'll r having a GREAT day! God bless ya!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I have people on my FB who speak different languages. I always thought it would be marvelous 2 speak a different language. It is soooo difficult 4 me 2 learn. I want 2 learn French. The 2nd language in America is Spanish. We have a lot of products that have things written on them in different languages 4 those who do not speak English!
When LL (my husband) & I went 2 Montreal, Canada everything there is in French & English! It was sooo neat. Even the McDonald's signs were in French 2! My brother, Mitch, who has passed away spoke 5 languages fluently. When he went 2 UAH (University of Alabama in Huntsville) as a freshman he was tutoring SENIORS. He was very brilliant! His French professor said, "They had NEVER had anyone come thru there department that was so fluent in sooo many different languages." She said, "My brother spoke more proper French than most French people she knew." LOL
In High School Jonathan Graham, (my neighborhood friend) Mitch, & I took Latin! This was b/f WCA (4 my WCA friends). Jonathan & I just could not get it. We were sooo bored in that class so we started writing notes. The teacher caught us & sat us out in the hall as punishment. I find that humorous b/c we just sat out there & talked! LOL It just fixed it where we didn't have 2 pass notes. Ha! Anyway Mitch made a A of course. I think Jon & I were transfered into another class. Phew!
This is my FAVORITE picture of my brother Mitch!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hey there! Hope ya'll r having a GREAT Labor Day weekend! I know I am. Last wk was sooo busy w/drs & dentist that I am glad 2 be relaxing at home. Just reading, watching movies, & journaling. I'll let u know when I get my 2nd book in from the publisher. U will be able 2 order a autographed copy from me! :) Please keep the letters, emails, texts, instant messages, & FB messages coming. I enjoy hearing from u soooo much! Luv ya'll! Ya'll r in my prayers! :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Our local high school team won the football game last night!! Whooo hooo!
My 2nd book "The Mystery of the Lost Coin" will be here in 10 to 15 days!!! Whooo hooo! Yipeee! Yee doggies!! Thanks 2 all who read my blog! I luv u! U r in my prayers!! May God bless u far more than u could ever hope, dream, or imagine!! I know He has me!! Have a GREAT weekend!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello Everyone! I went 2 the dentist 2day!! NO CAVITIES!! Yay! :) Don't 4get 2 brush & floss!
My apple teacher said he would fix this blog where u can make a comment without being a member. My lesson won't be until 9-14-09. If u know how 2 write on my wall u r welcome 2!! Thanks!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

FYI: This is 4 the newbies 2 blogs. Go 2 the bottom & click on older posts 2c ALL the posts. Click on comments 2c the comments made. In the bottom right hand corner click on profile. Click on the little arrow at the top of my profile 2 watch my video! Thanks! Now u know ur way around my blog. Have a GREAT day! Luv ya. Remember ur ALWAYS in my prayers!
OK U can email me a cool picture of ANYTHING! If I like it it will be put on my blog. If I don't know u u can find me on FB. LoLiC! If u don't know what this means u r not my friend on FB. Unless of course u r really good at decoding things.
This is my Moma cat! Doesn't she look like she is praying? :)
This is Stripes! She is sweet 2!
This is Socks! Isn't he cute! :)