Saturday, September 19, 2009

This is my Mom & Dad & me right after my last heart surgery. Look at that smile! It is amazing 2 me that I had such a GREAT smile after all I had just been thru. I guess I was just happy that it was over with.
The picture below is my cardiologist (heart dr) who performed my surgeries. He died sadly in a car accident. His name was Dr. Robert Allen. Thank U 2 Dr. Emmett Bell my pediatric diagnostician 4 giving me this photo of Dr. Allen. He was a very dedicated surgeon. He slept on the floor by bed in intensive care that night 2 make sure I lived thru the night.
When I went back 4 my last pediatric heart catherization the nurses told me that "Dr. Allen was one of the most dedicated surgeons they had ever known. That he never left his patients until he knew they were out of danger."
My surgeries were @ LeBonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis, TN. It is now called LeBonheur Children's Medical Center. I don't know when the name occurred.
I like this picture of Dr. Allen 4 2 reasons. It shows his hands. It shows the model plastic heart that he used 2 show U what he was going 2 do in surgery.
Thank U 4 reading my blog! I hope U r having a GREAT wkend. Ace :)


  1. Hey, Ace! I like your smile. God bless you.

  2. Hi Ace--Thanks for posting your stories-- I pulled it up when looking for Dr. Allen. He also operated on me at LeBonhuer in 1962! I used to have a certificate that stated I was a "Charter Member of the Open Heart Surgery Club".

    Thank you for posting his picture- I had never seen what he looked like.

    1. Cool! Let me know more John! I hope you are doing well now. :)

  3. Hi everyone! Keep me posted!!! :)
