Thursday, September 10, 2009

I have people on my FB who speak different languages. I always thought it would be marvelous 2 speak a different language. It is soooo difficult 4 me 2 learn. I want 2 learn French. The 2nd language in America is Spanish. We have a lot of products that have things written on them in different languages 4 those who do not speak English!
When LL (my husband) & I went 2 Montreal, Canada everything there is in French & English! It was sooo neat. Even the McDonald's signs were in French 2! My brother, Mitch, who has passed away spoke 5 languages fluently. When he went 2 UAH (University of Alabama in Huntsville) as a freshman he was tutoring SENIORS. He was very brilliant! His French professor said, "They had NEVER had anyone come thru there department that was so fluent in sooo many different languages." She said, "My brother spoke more proper French than most French people she knew." LOL
In High School Jonathan Graham, (my neighborhood friend) Mitch, & I took Latin! This was b/f WCA (4 my WCA friends). Jonathan & I just could not get it. We were sooo bored in that class so we started writing notes. The teacher caught us & sat us out in the hall as punishment. I find that humorous b/c we just sat out there & talked! LOL It just fixed it where we didn't have 2 pass notes. Ha! Anyway Mitch made a A of course. I think Jon & I were transfered into another class. Phew!
This is my FAVORITE picture of my brother Mitch!

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